The Inside Outside Guys: Consumer Complaints
From The Detroit News | By Ken Calverley and Chuck Breidenstein
DETROIT, October 24, 2024 ~ This article is for contractors only.
And, to further exclude potential readers, this is intended only for those companies who choose long-term success and referral-based business.
The Guys talk about the reality of our industry in that it always has been and will be a “high touch” profession where we are people dependent.
Many professions have sought the innovation of robotics to ensure consistent product output without the nuance or potential frailty of human intervention.
But, fixing a furnace, wiring a receptacle, tuck pointing that masonry and replacing those wind-blown shingles all require skilled humans.
October 20, 2024 ~ Chuck “The Inside Guy” Breidenstein and Ken “The Outside Guy” Calverly offer the knowledge and resources you need to make the home of your dreams a reality.
It is a very difficult thing to find ethical, honest, hard-working people that pursue a career in construction.
Passionate and dependable people with a desire to grow and learn and earn a great living, are the most desired asset a building company can acquire.
Automation will never replace the need for skilled humans on site who can build, repair and replace systems in our homes.
Because of this truth, there will always be the opportunity for mistakes. We like to say that a business is only as good as its worst employee on their worst day.
Since we can be assured that even the best of employers will discover an unhappy client at some point, the question we always ask new partners is, “What warranty do you provide and how do you handle warranty claims?”
The construction industry in this region is largely devoid of mandated and substantive written warranty.
There is an assumed warranty for “fitness of use and habitability” in housing, but who wants to retain legal services and risk a protracted court battle in the hopes of getting what they paid for?
A large part of the criteria we use to accept Team Partners is in their history of dealing with owner complaints, however few they may be.
A lot of really good companies do not even bother with a warranty since most such documents are full of caveats and qualifiers that often mince words to create an intentionally difficult to interpret policy.
Instead, we are hearing more and more often about what we term “first-person guarantees.”
Key points include a requirement that the customer can pick up the phone or go online directly to the retail company that sold and installed your product. No need to be routed through a third-party agency or convoluted contact with the product manufacturer.
Another facet of this is that these business entities maintain trained service techs, so they are not delaying following up with you until the market slows and they can re-route their installation crews.
Incumbent on the company is a strong and long-term relationship with product and material providers who offer back-up warranty and ongoing training to ensure proper use and installation of goods.
This symbiotic relationship almost always results in fewer claims and longer-lasting product.
Studies have shown that companies who satisfy a client after a problem or issue develops will actually get a better referral from that customer, likely because people have become so jaded with the tail chasing that a typical transactional problem involves.
A must for these entities is quick and sincere follow-up when a problem does arise.
Listening to a frustrated client is crucial as is asking the simple question, “What would you like us to do?”
We could write thousands of words telling true stories of owners that have gone above and beyond any legal requirements to satisfy a customer but suffice it to say you can be assured we have asked the hard questions for the consumer.
The onus on the client is to note issues quickly and objectively as they arise and to keep your expectations in line with all contractual promises made.
Companies that do it right and well will still be here in years to come to help you take care of your home or business.
Like those you can find every day at
For more advice, listen to The Inside Outside Guys every Saturday and Sunday on AM 760-WJR from 10 a.m.-noon or contact us at