The Inside Outside Guys ~ Summer Lawn Care Without Breaking the Bank
From The Detroit News | By Ken Calverley and Chuck Breidenstein
DETROIT, June 29, 2023 ~ It’s only grass, right?
Yes, but it’s your grass, your oasis, and it should be healthy and comfortable without all kinds of expense.
Grass is soothing. Lush green provides a sense of calm. Grass is good for the environment. It produces oxygen and helps to purify the air we breathe. Experts tell us a mere 50 square feet of lawn generates the amount of oxygen needed by a family of four for a full year.
Grass is therapeutic. Walking barefoot on a soft lawn can help us achieve peace of mind. Called “earthing or grounding” barefoot walks are said to restore electrical balance, increase endorphin production and reduce stress.
June 25, 2023 ~ Chuck “The Inside Guy” Breidenstein and Ken “The Outside Guy” Calverly offer the knowledge and resources you need to make the home of your dreams a reality. Catch them every Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to noon on 760 WJR.
For housing advice and more, listen to “The Inside Outside Guys” every Saturday and Sunday on 760 WJR from 10 a.m. to noon, or contact them at