The Inside Outside Guys ~ What’s Bugging You?
From The Detroit News | By Ken Calverley and Chuck Breidenstein
DETROIT, June 8, 2023 ~ JB Hines loves bugs. It is not unusual to see him at a home show exhorting the wonderful characteristics of cockroaches or spiders or even his “wingless mosquitoes” that we cringe and call bed bugs. He’ll then show you live examples of each that he carries in sealed plastic containers that you are reluctant to touch.
JB is a pest guy. He is the lead representative of Rove Pest Control in Novi, and he is passionate about the tiny creatures that most of us run from. He will share tidbits like the fact that the biomass of ants on earth exceeds that of all birds and mammals other than mankind. This is the time of year we are all attempting to get back outside to enjoy the deck or backyard while at the same time trying to avoid becoming food for various bugs.
June 11, 2023 ~ Chuck “The Inside Guy” Breidenstein and Ken “The Outside Guy” Calverly offer the knowledge and resources you need to make the home of your dreams a reality. Catch them every Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to noon on 760 WJR.
For housing advice and more, listen to “The Inside Outside Guys” every Saturday and Sunday on 760 WJR from 10 a.m. to noon, or contact them at